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Valued Customers

In order to provide you with better quality we have adopted a "Total Quality Principle", and by implementing continuous improvement and work model innovation in all of our sub-processes from sales and marketing activities to after sales services, we are succeeding in making our relations with you better quality and more sincere with every passing day. We know the importance of making broiler meat and eggs, which comprise a significant link in the food chain and are rich in protein, more healthy as a source of nutrition essential to humans. Every single one of the cages we design is produced and assembled meticulously and according to customer. It is for this reason that we provide services to you in accordance with the "Turkish Standards Institute Criteria Compliance Certificate", the "Turkish Standards Institute Sufficiency in Service Certificate" and the "Turkish Accreditation Approved TS EN ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Certificates" and we wish to emphasize with honor that we, as the Kutlusan family, have achieved these certification with your support and your presence. Aware of the importance of human value, our company continues and will continue to conduct activities that are determined and social responsibilities in order to secure the safety of our employees and our environment. In this context, as a result of the activities our company has conducted in Environmental Terms we have achieved the "Turkish Accreditation Approved TS EN ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System Certificate" and through our work concerning Human Values and Work Health and Safety we have achieved the "OHSAS 18001:2007 Work Health and Safety Management System Certificate”. Having adopted a Customer Focused principle, our company continues to work towards achieving the "TS ISO 10002:2004 Customer Satisfaction Management System" with the important feedback from you, our valued customers. We are also working on the "TS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information Security System" with our "Your Information Is Our Secret" approach. Aware of depleted energy sources and the important of preserving energy, our company continues its work on the "TS EN ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management System” with the slogan Energy is Life.

Our Purpose

To design good quality, highly productive, low cost, sensitive to environment and people and low energy consumption cages and provide production and assembly of these systems for you.

업체명 동명 | 대표 박철순 | 사업자번호 126-87-00297 | 대표전화 044-863-7030 | 팩스 041-576-7932 세종특별자치시 전의면 운주산로 1466번지 Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved.